Now bear with me. This you will either love or hate. Please don’t knock it till you try it. If you like the salty/sweet combo you will love these cookies. If you don’t there is something wrong with you!!! In blind tests conducted by me on unsuspecting friends and family, most did in fact like these cookies when they tasted them – interestingly not everyone figured out the ingredients!
Again, I’m grateful to the smitten kitchen for the fabulous recipe, though I did put an Irish twist on it with the cheese and onion 😉 I did not add extra salt to the cookie batter though I did go totally over the top and sprinkle crushed crisp crumbs, Maldon and drizzle chocolate too.
1 cup (225 grams) butter, softened
1/2 cup (100 grams) golden caster sugar,
1/2 cup demerara sugar – or a coarser sugar for rolling
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup chopped and toasted pecans
1/2 cup finely crushed crisps. I used Keogh’s Dubliner Cheese and Onion
2 cups (250 grams) all-purpose flour
For the topping:
1 tblsp crushed crisps, as above
1 1/2 tsps Maldon salt
4-6 squares of chocolate (at least 52%)melted, for drizzling
1 teaspoon butter
Preheat oven to 170c. Line two baking trays with baking paper and set aside. With a stand mixer, beat the butter with 1/2 cup of the sugar until pale and fluffy. Add vanilla, pecans, 1/2 cup crushed crisps and flour and gently mix until combined.
Place the coarser sugar in a small bowl. Roll tablespoon sized scoops of dough into a ball with your hands. I used a cookie scoop to measure. Roll them in the sugar then place on the prepared tray – use a cup or drinking glass to gently flatten them.
Sprinkle each cookie with some crisp crumbs and a few flakes of salt.
Bake cookies until lightly golden at the edges, about 12-15 minutes. Transfer to cool on a wire rack.
Melt the chocolate and butter until smooth and drizzle or dip the cookies and let set on a rack. Enjoy.